Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Ouzo - illustrated by Viktor Gountaras

This is probably a cliché drink in Greece, but it is something that has a history with the country. Designed to unapologetically appeal to tourists, this is a bottle that borrows plenty of elements from Greek history and culture. Using many hand-illustrated images that give a brief example of the local history and culture, these bottles serve as a nice souvenir on their own. With the different designs for each color, the makers of this product did not want to stray away from allowing their product to stand out. The colors even work well together, if you line them up on a shelf in a bar or liquor store, they look associated enough for people to realize that this is the same product with more vibrant packaging. The only thing I don't really like about the design of this product is the name of the product just seems to be written on as an afterthought. There also should be at least some sort of description of the product, so people who are not familiar with the brand can get some sense of what the company and product is.

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